Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm a girl friday?

I spent 3 hours on the road today. I am bushed. For whatever reason I woke up early today and couldn't go back to sleep. I hate waking up at 4:30 in the morning, and everyone else is still asleep and I'm not. I went downstairs and folded laundry. What the hell? I finally got tired about 9:30, so a nap sounded good. I got woken up at 10:30. Goof wanted me to do a favor for him. That was one hell of a favor. I drove an hour to pick up Pho for him. He decided to treat his employees to lunch. Of course we only know of one place to get it. Well the big Korean market, but we haven't tried it yet. So wake up Stinky get him ready and off we go. Got lost since it's been a while and traffic was a nightmare. Ordered all the stuff and it took less time to get back luckily. We ended up spending about an hour at his work.

Oh Eldest pissed me off again. It seems Stinky decided to make a friendly overture. Eldest agrees, but says something to Stinky that pisses me off. He said that Kiosk man thinks my kid is a bad kid. Now what the hell would he know what a bad kid is? He hardly spends any time with Eldest and Bug. Fred and Barney are way worse than my kid ever could be. Fuck you Kiosk man. We have spent more time with those kids than he probably has the whole year. I joked to Goof that he spends 2 hours total a day with those two boys, and I doubt that he hangs on their every word learning about them. Most likely irritated by them, until they leave his sight and he can spend it on his own seed, if he even does that. They have been waving at us when we pass by in our cars, but again Fuck you.

Also for whatever reason Whinis came over today and we weren't home, so he had his mom call me to make sure I was home. He knocked on the door, went around back and basically tried to hunt us down. Yea, we weren't opening the door. Give it up, we weren't home. Whinis, is 8. Too young to really play with Stinky. Also if Stinky does play with you outside, why the hell do you want to come in my house? You wanted to play with Stinky, my house has nothing to do with you. I like the kid, his mom is nice, has a tendency to run on about her life, and repeat things, but alright. She makes me think of Droopy Dog, the cartoon. So I digress, she called me to find out what was going on. I had to explain when she called, we were at Goof's work. Did she not understand, when my son said, 'We are at my dad's office' How she got,'Mom's putting away groceries' is beyond me. So the kid ran back to my house and again we weren't there. I finally got back with her later this evening, and talked to her about it all. Why do I have to explain myself to an 8 year old? I don't. I run errands, I window shop, it doesn't matter. It's my time. I don't run it for others.

Personal pet peeve of mine, everyone remember this. I don't like waiting. If we are to meet, and we specify a time, be there. I have been late once when meeting someone. My toilet was plugged up. Sorry, but the bathroom's gotta be resolved before I meet you for a social visit. If you know that you are not a morning person, then be honest and tell me. I can do other things before I head out to meet you. I always have laundry. I can always get off my butt and organize my basement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like "a day"! Ugh!!! And, I promise, if we ever meet, I will not be late, unless it is the airlines' fault! =)