Friday, June 29, 2007

Is time moving slowly?

Gosh it seemed like the week would never end. Perhaps it was because Stinky went away to camp and I missed my mess maker. He was sick the last day of camp. Seems that the heat, lack of water, and lack of sleep caught up with him. How many times can a kid puke especially when he doesn't eat the food the camp provides? Eight times. Poor kiddo. He was tired, had too much milk not enough food, or water, and definitely not much sleep. I'm trying to get him hydrated now. He says he had a lot of fun. Made some friends, exchanged numbers and all that. He was also one handsome looking kid if I must say so. He wore his UVA/rash guard shirt most of the time. Looking at the group of kids I saw, yea, he looked good. He's growing into a good looking kid. Broad shouldered, slim hipped, no visible fat. I'm in trouble. He tried to take a nap the other day and the kids were checking on him, then a girl came over and chatted him up. He was busy.

I tried to keep busy myself, but I just didn't do as much. Just puttered around the house. I did run some errands with Droopy. She talks a lot. I thought I talked a lot, but I ended up being the listener. I swear that is a role I seem to take on often. I love chatting online with friends with yahoo or skype. I can just type and type and read what they have to say, change the subject come back to it, whatever. I feel like I get the chance to speak. It doesn't matter if they don't read it all. At least I got to say it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Stinky had a good time at camp. =)