Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It's getting friggin cold!

Fall is here, and the first freeze warnings have come. Holy smokes that's not good. When all the weather reporters from 5 different sources tell you it's gonna be 25*F at night that's cold! I've already brought my Queen of the Night in, and it's sitting on top of the tv, near a window. Poor thing, I hope it makes it through the winter. It's not used to nights below 35*F in the Bay Area.

Oh the fence is up, it's ugly. I have to make a conscious effort not to turn my head to the right and see it. Lulu will come out on the screened porch with me, and there is Charger running up to bark and getting her all riled up. Nice dog, he's lonely. I see him with his squeaky newspaper in mouth a lot. He wants to play fetch so bad.

Babymama pissed me off again. Her kids were out last week harassing us. We were trying to eat dinner and I see out the dining room window that her boys are standing by the lightning tree, watching us. Goof's back was to them. I told him, he went outside they scattered. Well we went back to dinner, and I could see their clothing through the bushes behind the back neighbor's green belt area. Dinner was a quick affair. I gotta complain if it's 6pm it's dinner time or damn well close to it. Why the hell are your kids still out screwing around?

After dinner Stinky and I head up stairs. He's got his room to clean, and I have laundry to fold. Goof started yelling a few minutes later. Barney was dragging a wooden palette through our grass. So what does Barney do? He drags the palette off our grass through the green belt to drag it on the back neighbor's grass on his way to Babymama's house.

After the yelling, Eldest and Fred ran over to Babymama, telling her, Goof yelled at them. Enabler also went over to talk to Babymama. I heard the discussion through the cracked open window. It seems that she's tired of us, and our attitude that all that back space beyond our grass belongs to us. It's time we learned it's not all ours. Of course she or Enabler did not come to our door and talk to us about this.

The next day really pissed me off. The boys were back at it again. They were purposely in the greenbelt on our side of the property marker staring into our windows. Goof came home and asked if this had been going on since they got home. I pretty much agreed since about 4:30. He went out with his phone and took pictures of Eldest in the yard. He took off. Stinky at this point went to blow the leaves off the front lawn. Eldest and Fred decided to harass Stinky by laying on the edge of the property line. Goof put an end to it, but taking his work laptop and sitting on the porch watching Stinky. The kids ran off again. This time Eldest must have run to Kiosk man. Kiosk man comes over and asks if Goof took video of Eldest. Nope, did nothing of that sort. Kiosk man then tells him, that he will keep his 'son' off our property. We pretty much figured that Babymama in her infinite wisdom wanted to piss us off. She had her children doing that on purpose. Also from what we know of Eldest, this is his type of petty shit. He loves the attention he's getting. Fred and Eldest really do seem to belong. Any attention whether negative or positive is what they want. Again this would not be a problem if they were getting positive attention at home, with positive influences.

Goof and I were talking, and again we still don't know what was the catalyst to all this negative attitude. He seems to think it's from my conversations on the phone and with friends on the screened porch or my voice carrying through our open windows. He maybe right. I know that I am not the only one, that has said negative things about their neighbors in the privacy of their own home. If my voice carried, that is something I have to accept. What bothers me is that Babymama has never acknowledged that something happened to cause this. Whether things were said when we were in CA or what. Ignoring the doorbell, when I came over. Not having the courage to come out and say a thing to me. That is not a good neighbor. Many months ago, when I voiced my displeasure about Enabler's dogs, she agreed with me, but did nothing. Considering it was her child's diapers being eaten in the street, she chose to let things stand. Um, no. I don't want to be the shit sweeper. Enabler is still letting her dogs out unleashed in the front. The other night we went out and Goof was really careful about backing down the driveway in his monster truck. After he was off the driveway, he was mad, he had missed the chance to run over the charging asshole of a dog. Where was Enabler? She was sitting on her porch watching the dog, while it sniffed and defecated across the street. Good work, that's showing us your true colors.

With these women and their attitude about dogs, I should just let Lulu run over to Charger's fence and act like a brat. They don't seem to mind if their dogs are nuisances. But I am a better person. I care about my dogs. Lulu may not like that dog, but that's okay, he's behind the fence, and she's on the other side of the yard. It's getting to the point that Mingy now barks at Charger too. I know he's doing it in fun, but it's not good for my guys.

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