Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekends are for sleeping

Well that's always been my opinion. What would have to change so I don't sleep in? A dog show. Not just any dog show, but the National specialty. What the hell does that mean? It means that the parent organization of my breed sets up a dog show only for our breed and many people from all over the country and even Canada come out enter their dogs into conformation, obedience, rally, agility, and or coursing. Last year it was held in CA, but of course we were out here and not heading back so soon. This year it's about 30 min from me and I get to have fun!

Oh my gosh, I woke up really early on Saturday and had a bit of trouble finding the fairground. Out here they really don't understand the use of lights on signs and streets. It wasn't even daybreak yet. Funny how that worked out, the ones that planned the coursing forgot the sun doesn't rise as early on the east coast in fall. I got to help walk dogs to the coursing boxes, and it was lots of fun to see them all chasing the plastic bag with the squeaker attached. There are several activities dogs can do. With sighthouds, there is LGRA coursing. It's a straight track dogs wear muzzles and racing silks, put into a box corresponding with the color of their silk. A buzzer goes off, the gate to the box is released and the dogs go chasing the lure (plastic bag). It's really neat to watch because it's like greyhound racing, but it's dogs that reach only your knee, and it's a straightaway, and there's no money involved. Your dog gets enough points it wins a title, you get some exercise and so does the dog. Some dogs like to chase, others rather sit on a pillow and sleep.

Another coursing activity is NOTRA which is similar, but it's an oval track instead of a straight away. There is also AKC coursing, which in my opinion is even harder. The plastic bags are attached to a string or line, driven through a set of pulleys. This is the same mechanism for all the racing, but with AKC coursing they have a larger course, and it's easier for a dog to tire out. I know this is confusing for those not involved with dogs or dog sports, but it was really fun to watch.

So that was this past weekend. I got up earlier than I do for Stinky's school. I came home in the early evening, and basically exhausted when I'm home. Lulu and Mingy loved seeing all the other IGs. Lulu is a brat. I am afraid to admit it, but she's a racist. She didn't puff up and growl at any IG, even though they got in her face and butt. She was perfectly happy around them. I know we have like 10 IGs in town, which is pretty impressive for such a small community, but Lulu really doesn't run into them that often. We see other breeds and mixes all the time. She was pretty good at the events. Mingy was visiting all the dogs, and getting quite happy with all the girls. The good thing, was that he would take it out on Lulu. It was all air and hip action, but at least he was leaving the show dogs alone. Mingy doesn't know what to do, his hips are moving, but it's all hot air. When we get home, I have been putting a band on him, just in case he figured out what to do to poor Lulu.

Monday through Wednesday is the dog pageant. The conformation shows. Which dog represents the best attributes of the breed? If the dog has the best head, and walk forgive the excess in height, all that stuff. It's a judge's personal preference too. Nice thing about an IG only dog show. The judge can't choose a fluffy dog over an IG. I really thing the breed should be moved over to the hound group. The comepetition against a beagle would be hard, but better than those ugly Chihuahuas. I hate fluffy yappy dogs. Granted I saw some barking mad IGs. They didn't yap though. d'Folly's were the worst. She as admitted she gave up on the barking control. If something walks by her front door the dogs are gonna go off. But that's nothing if the dogs don't make any noise otherwise. Mingy was a barking fool. Every time I walked away from him, he started barking. He wanted to be with me. Lulu did too, but at least she wasn't barking. Whining a bit, but no barking.

I might head out to the shows later today. The rain has held be off so far. Plus a few other things that need to be done here.

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