Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ugh, fake sick

Stinky says he has a sore throat and feeling tired. So I let him stay home today, no video games, computer time, or tv. We'll see how long that lasts. Not long at all. He took a little nap, but still has that sore throat. If he gives me any trouble I'm tossing his ass back to school.

Yesterday on the walk home Fred, tried to taunt Stinky. Telling, Stinky that Eldest isn't his friend, and that he didn't get into the gifted program. Yea yea, we know that, and Stinky doesn't care. Stinky was being mature about it all. He could have said some really mean stuff. I was right Fred can't leave Stinky alone, gotta try and get a dig in somehow. What a pathetic miserable kid. He did it to himself.

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